You can reach us at +49 40 285306370 either by phone or via WhatsApp
MedBasics© GmbH
Humboldtstr. 25
21509 Glinde
Phone: 040 – 285306370
Fax: 040 – 285306371
Company Location: Glinde
District Court: Lübeck HRB 21269 HL
VAT Identification Number: DE288070207
Managing Partner: Michael Behm
Content Responsible Person: Michael Behm
The registrations are recorded at the Chamber of Commerce under:
§ 34c GewO, Brokerage of contracts for the acquisition of office shares, real estate, and loans, granted by the city of Bochum
§ 34d GewO, Insurance brokerage as an insurance broker with permission under § 34d Abs. 1 GewO under registration number: D-9AOX-UZ6YY-02
§ 34i Abs. 1. Sentence 1 GewO, Permission as a real estate loan broker under the number: D-W-130-A5EF-91
Professional Liability / Financial Loss Liability Insurance:
ERGO Versicherung AG
Financial Loss Liability Insurance
Hannover Branch Office
Arnswaldtstrasse 12-14, 30159 Hannover
Policy Number: SV 74128272.0
(1.5 million EUR coverage in the area of real estate loan brokerage)
2.0 million EUR coverage in the area of insurance)
Scope of Coverage: Europe (geographical)
MedBasics© GmbH is a partner in the FiNet and VEMA network of independent insurance and financial brokers.
The company holds no direct or indirect ownership of more than 10% of the voting rights or capital in an insurance company. No insurance company holds more than 10% of the voting rights or capital in the company.
Supervisory Authority and Permit Authority §34 c, d, and §34i
Chamber of Commerce in Lübeck
Fackenburger Allee 2, 23554 Lübeck
Phone: 0451 60060
Ombudsman for Insurance
PO Box 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin
Ombudsman for Private Health and Long-Term Care Insurance
Leipziger Straße 104, 10117 Berlin
Further addresses for arbitration at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BAFin)
Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn
German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin
Phone: 0180/500585-0 (14 Cent/min from the German landline, max 42 Cent/min from mobile networks)
Liability Note
According to § 5 Abs.1 TDG, we are solely responsible for our own content. For links to external content of third-party providers, we are only responsible according to § 5 Abs. 2 TDG if we have positive knowledge of illegal or criminal content and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent their use. We are not obliged to periodically check the content of third-party offers for their legality or criminal liability. Once we become aware of illegal content on third-party websites, we will remove the corresponding link from our site. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of linked sites. Therefore, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content of all linked sites on the entire website including all subpages. This declaration applies to all links on our homepage and to all content of the sites to which links or banners lead. If contents of these Internet offers violate applicable copyright or trademark law, these will be removed as soon as possible upon notice.